Thursday, February 17, 2005

Easier blogged than done…

Every day I use up will never come back to me.
Why do you think we love to track time? Clocks, calendars, dates, to do lists, schedules… is it because time is finite to us, and we are trying to squeeze every last minute out of life or is it mass neurosis of the whole world?
Time is a luxury and to make more use of it you have to do more things, not that I'm running out of things to do but how do I best spend the time.
Someone once told me that to lead a balanced life you need to have your 4 wheels on the ground (car analogy) anyway one wheel is family, one wheel is work, one wheel is self, and the last wheel is public service. sometimes I feel like I'm driving a stunt car with one wheel on the ground (work) and my public service wheel has sprung a leak.

1. get home early
2. clean
3. cook dinner for the family
4. set up new drum kit
5. Make pin plan for ebay

see you in a couple of days…

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Recap of laziness

So I had a simple list yesterday…

Two of them were done before I started. But it was a crazy day at work, didn't get home till 3am at least I got the box of chocolates for Mrs. T (Ethel M. one of her favorites, Milk Chocolate of course).

I didn't start to plan Boston yet…

And here is the ambitious list for today…

1. Start selling again on ebay to finance trip in September
2. Pick up scanner at CompUSA
3. Contact & work on Ramsey's new sauce label
4. Setup crappy PC to do ebay listing (why don't they write software for Mac? ret.)
5. Clean up livingroom

Monday, February 14, 2005

That's why I started this blog!

Ok so it's been a few days…

Here is the new list of 5.

1. Post to Blog (there I finished one)
2. Wish everyone a Happy Valentine's day (there I finished two)
3. Plan trip to Boston in September
4. Pick up chocolates for Mrs. T
5. think of better list for tomorrow.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Recap of the first five.

Well an interesting first day… If I was grading this I'd give myself a C. I've completed 4 of the five tasks only #5 remains what to do for/with Mrs. T on Valentine's Day. They weren't gargantuan tasks but I think I did OK.

The blog is working, as this is an interesting way to end any day with a recap. I'm starting to wonder what tomorrow's five will be.

If you were curious, the fun thing to do as a family turned out to be our usual dinner out at Spagetti Factory and a quick run through Wal Mart. Little M enjoyed what turned out to be a $4 juice bar (she didn't eat any of her kids meal except for the dessert) and then was the recipient of most of our $26 shopping excursion with some new games and puzzles.

Of course I sent out the email and the wife was happy enough to call me this afternoon and tell me she loves me. (I made sure she heard it from me and not just my typical parrot response.)

ah… tomorrow. More fun!

First five

1. Start a Blog
2. Get my wife to be the first one to say I love you today.
3. Think of something fun to do with the family before I go home today.
4. Email CPA about pending Taxes.
5. Valentine's day gift Idea tonight.

Not a rough list to start but every journey begins with a single step. I'll post tomorrow on how this went.