Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Wow found this while cleaning up...

It's an interesting thing this world wide web...

it's been years since I have written here, yet here it is like a messy house.

More kids than I can shake a stick at
M is now 9
A is about to turn 3
E is a crazy 20 months

M is starting to move on her own accord, brushed her teeth without prompting
A is constantly fighting with E it's getting physical
I've started Thunderdome rules: Two kids enter one kid leaves.

E has started using her words more often and she is adding new ones daily.
A is turning into a little girl, I wonder if she will have as hard of a time as M adjusting to not being lap-sized any longer?

I could be in motion at work the Agency life has lost it's glow, New CD #5 starts in a week. I would like to get out on my own and get new clients, JS and GC have included me in a pitch for Z today, I have high hopes.

Here's to another couple of years ignoring this blog...


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